Monday, August 8, 2011

Our First Anniversary in Amsterdam!

We started our anniversary with croissants in bed. How can you go wrong? We were still suffering from jet lag so after breakfast we took a nap (ha!) and then got the day going around noon. We strolled along the canals and generally just explored. It was a beautiful day and walking around made me feel giddy! I couldn't believe we were in Amsterdam and we were celebrating our one year anniversary! It's going to take a lot to beat this anniversary in the future, but I've already got some ideas (of course!).

Henry is doing much better, but still adjusting, so we haven't been leaving him at the hotel alone. Because of this we decided to stick close to "home" and had dinner at our hotel on their cute back patio. Henry behaved magnificently, which let us really soak up and enjoy each other's company. We were so smiley and kiss-y our waiter even asked if we were on our honeymoon! 

Foreverago I read this post by Erin and took note. I thought it was the cutest idea for a one year wedding anniversary gift ever, so I kinda stole it (thanks, Erin!!!)! I made Corey a photo book with 50 reasons I love him, all accompanied by photos I've taken throughout our first year of marriage! I love the way it turned out and Corey seemed to really like it too :) It's a tradition I plan on keeping up for future anniversaries (a photo book of that year). It will be so fun to see how the photos change from all our travels to buying a home to having babies, etc!

I love you, Mr. Denfeld!

{Photos © Liz Denfeld}