We don't have much planned, but I have a couple of ideas.... Hiking, strolling, swimming, cooking...I'm sure no matter what we end up doing it will be wonderful. Isn't every summer weekend? Enjoy!
Friday, July 31, 2009
Welcome Weekend
We don't have much planned, but I have a couple of ideas.... Hiking, strolling, swimming, cooking...I'm sure no matter what we end up doing it will be wonderful. Isn't every summer weekend? Enjoy!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Unexpected Evening
I must say, life is good.
Go Now: St. Honoré Boulangerie

For such a modest, specialized eatery, you would suspect a small but gracious menu. Fortunately, that's not the case. From divine pastries (like a simple almond croissant) to organic salads and paninis, St. Honoré has a large menu that tempts you to linger from breakfast to lunch just to experience more of their mouth-watering fare and airy atmosphere. Although it can get a bit crowded on the weekends, the expansive community table always has seating. If you're willing to wait it out, you can even nab one of the outdoor tables that pepper the bakery's parameters. No matter where you sit, or what you choose to feast upon, there's really no way you can go wrong at St. Honoré .
Monday, July 27, 2009
Case of the Mondays? You’re Not The Only One.
Every Sunday, without fail, I wake up thinking “Mannnnn. Tomorrow I can’t sleep in. The weekend is over. This SUCKS.” While some of my activities can make me forget these sentiments for little moments here-and-there, I mostly spend my entire Sunday dreading Monday. Isn’t that awful?
After I pout about it for a while, I then start fantasizing about what job wouldn’t make me dread Monday. Is there such a thing? For a while, I convinced myself that if I worked from home as a full-time blogger this shameful Sunday routine wouldn’t ensue. But then I realized something: If blogging is my job, then all of a sudden it’s a duty, a chore. It’s no longer something I do for fun. So maybe I’ve glorified this blogging thing a little too much?
There was only one way to find out. E-mail one of my favorite bloggers, Joanna Goddard, of A Cup of Jo and Smitten and ask her for the scoop.
Here’s what she had to say:
“I sort of dread Mondays, to be honest! I have to sit in my white armchair from 9 to 7 and blog intensely all day for glamour, cup of jo, cookie, an advertising blog -- and return a million billion emails. I'd much rather be outside riding bikes, hanging out with friends or just lying around watching movies :)
Cup of jo is REALLY fun to blog for -- i definitely don't consider that work and it's so much fun -- but the rest of my work can be hard, like all jobs -- with contracts, photo permissions, budgets, expense reports, client reports, intense traffic goals, demanding bosses, long meetings, and the like...
Not sure if that's the answer you were looking for, but it's the truth!”
So there you have it folks. If you need to make a living off whatever it is you’re doing- there are some things you just can’t avoid (budgets, contracts, etc.). And you still have the dreaded Monday.
I can’t decide if I feel enlightened, or just more depressed.
Happy Monday to you!
Friday, July 24, 2009
Happy Sunny Weekend to You!

Thursday, July 23, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Red Velvet Cupcakes

Tuesday, July 21, 2009
How Did We Miss This?

"The Stumptown Challenge is a race that tests body and mind. Teams of two solve clues and visit eleven checkpoints scattered throughout Portland. There are no restrictions on clue-solving strategy, but travel is limited to foot and TriMet. The first team to successfully photograph themselves at each of eleven checkpoints and make it back to base is the winner."
Monday, July 20, 2009
New Header
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Saturday, July 18, 2009

Friday, July 17, 2009
Friday Fun Day

Thursday, July 16, 2009
Play Time
"There's a time for fun and games and that time is ... now. Yes, really! The stars want you to go and play. Put down those books, turn off the TV and get out of the house. Come on now -- no rolling your eyes and grumbling about how you just want to 'relax.' Grab your sweetheart or best pal and plan a fun adventure somewhere out there in the great wide open. You might end up having such a fantastic time that you make it a regular event."
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Monday, July 13, 2009
Ken's Artisan Bakery: Pizza Night

Sunday, July 12, 2009
Go See Now: Valentino: The Last Emperor
"They want to be beautiful."--Valentino
Matt Tyrnauer’s documentary portrait, "Valentino: The Last Emperor" takes you through the last two years of the Italian couturier's career. This film is a back-stage look at serious, Haute Couture fashion, a trade dying at the hands of superficial super-trends.
Food Trucks
Friday, July 10, 2009
The Time Traveler's Wife

I am currently enthralled in The Time Traveler’s Wife. I want nothing more than to curl up with this story until I’ve read the very last word. Good thing I don’t have much planned this weekend! If you haven’t read it, and you enjoy a cheesy (and pretty far out there) love story, I highly recommend it.
A little bonus: The movie based on this book is coming out in August and stars Rachel McAdams (one of my personal favorites).
Thursday, July 9, 2009

Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Yo Hablo Espanol

With our South American adventure just 5 months away, Corey and I have been practicing our Spanish as much as we can. We're really good. I mean, just tonight Corey looked deep into my eyes and said these sweet, sweet words: Me llamo. Me llamo mucho.
"Did you mean te amo?"
"Oh.. yeah..."
Portable Windscreen

Portable Windscreen How-To
1. To make the screen, fold in a 1/2-inch hem along the top and the bottom, and sew securely (any gaps in the stitching will allow sand to collect in the hem). At both ends of the hemmed fabric, fold in 3 inches and turn under the unfinished edge; sew along this edge to make a channel for a dowel. To form the middle two channels, measure and mark 65 1/2 inches from each end.
2. On one end, fold the cloth over onto itself at the marked spot so that the overlapping portion is 3 inches wide.
3. To make the channel, sew along both of these folds through three layers of fabric. Repeat on the opposite end.
4. For the pocket, turn under 1/4 inch on the two sides and the bottom, and press. Hem the top edge (which is the wider measure) by 1/2 inch. To attach to the screen, position the pocket 20 3/4 inches from the bottom and 22 1/2 inches from one end. Sew into place along the two sides and the bottom, backstitching at the pocket's top edge to reinforce. Slide dowels into the channels. To set up the windscreen on the beach, drive the dowels into the sand, and secure them with guy lines made by tying rope to a stake and to the top of a dowel.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Beach Cruiser

Weekend Recap
Fenouil Happy Hour
Pearl District Farmer's Market
Cocktails and Calamari @ Paragon for First Thursday
Nuvrei Pastries on the Balcony
Sauvie's Island w. the Cutest Baby Ever!
BBQ and pool time up at the Denfeld's
Silk Happy Hour
Fireworks from our Balcony
The Flavour Spot (yummm)
Trillium Lake
Mio Gellato
Monday, July 6, 2009
Thursday, July 2, 2009

For all these reasons and more I am so incredibly thankful it is a 3-day-weekend. And the best part? Corey and I have nothing planned. That's right. Not one. single. thing. Ahhh.... That's the sound of relaxation calling my name. Happy weekend, Friends...
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Pickled Things