(image courtesy of stumptownchallenge.com)
This past Saturday, while on our ritual morning walk, Corey and I noticed people running around the Pearl like crazy people, in crazy outfits. Who were these strangers with Mickey Mouse ears invading our neighborhood? We caught a glimpse of a t-shirt and found out they were part of the Stumptown Challenge.
Of course, the second I walked in the door I scrambled to my computer to find out what this so-called challenge was all about. Here's what I found out:
"The Stumptown Challenge is a race that tests body and mind. Teams of two solve clues and visit eleven checkpoints scattered throughout Portland. There are no restrictions on clue-solving strategy, but travel is limited to foot and TriMet. The first team to successfully photograph themselves at each of eleven checkpoints and make it back to base is the winner."
Oh my gosh, so fun! I can't believe we missed this! It's kind of like Amazing Race (which we watch religiously and secretly want to be contestants on), but with trivia instead of language barriers. A must-do for next year, don't you think?