Yesterday I finished reading Luisa Weiss’s “My BerlinKitchen”. I loved the book for so many reasons – for inspiring me to cook more,
for making me long for a trip to Paris, New York, Berlin and Italy, but most of
all for how much I could relate to her writing. One passage in the entire book really stuck with me, as I happen to be in the middle of one of these merciless
winters she writes of – just not in Berlin, but in Amsterdam instead.

It's not that it’s particularly cold here – although for me it
is! – but it’s more that the sun rarely shines. The darkness feels
never-ending, waking up in pitch black, leaving the office in pitch-black. And
don’t even get me started on how one single snowflake sends the Dutch train
system into a tizzy. There will barely be a dusting on the ground and trains
get canceled left and right, leaving us stranded in the cold. Winters in
Amsterdam are bleak and I feel like I’m on the verge of a meltdown – I need
some sun, stat!
Truth be told – Holland is stunning in the snow. And even
though I am already tired of it and hoping it doesn’t make any more appearances
this winter, I am trying to focus on that beauty instead of the annoyance it
causes. Here are a few iPhone photos from this winter in Amsterdam so far.
Hopefully I won’t have anymore snow photos to share with you anytime soon ;)