Two Things!
One: I’m opening sponsor spots back up! Hooray! I needed to
give myself a breather to get through a busy work season and a hectic travel
schedule, but I am finally accepting sponsors again for
Explore.Dream.Discover! I’m discounting the sponsor price for the first month!
If you’re interested in more information, shoot me an email at
exploredreamdiscoverblog {at} Can’t wait to hear from you!
Two: I’m selling my Canon 60D camera with 18-200mm lens. Both
the camera and the lens are in great condition, and only one year old. I
recently upgraded to the 5D Mark II, which is the reason I’m selling. I truly
loved this camera/lens combo. Send me an email at exploredreamdiscoverblog
{at} if you’re interested! Here are a few photos I took with this
camera and lens if you’re interested in the quality:
Hope you're all having a great week!