While in Antwerp, we did like the Belgians do and drank delicious Belgian beer and ate frites out of a paper cone with all sorts of crazy dipping sauces. We also did like tourists do and walked around the narrow cobble stone streets with our heads pointed toward the sky admiring the awe-inspiring old architecture and all-around quaint and romantic European town that Antwerp is. Honestly, Antwerp wasn't number one on my list of places to see in Europe, but it blew me away. So charming. So beautiful. Hope you enjoy the photos!

{In our hotel room}

{looking down at the cobblestone street & horse-drawn carriage from our hotel window}

{The square where the famous Brabo statue stands as well as the City Hall}

{Cathedral of Our Lady. Absolutely stunning}

{Drinking Kwak, a Belgian beer that you drink with this cool wooden contraption}

{cutest little old man playing this organ thingy. Look at his clogs!!}

{City Hall}

{Pasta Hippo, where we had dinner}

{After our delicious Italian meal. We ate a lot of Italian on our trip!}

{This is the view from the window we sat in front of at dinner. We had a great view of the cathedral.}

{Belgian Chocolates, YUM!}