Friday, August 19, 2011

Happy Friday!

Well, I officially survived my first week of work! Hooray! Everyone in the office is so super nice and helpful, and since I already know this job, I must admit the transition has been pretty easy. I do feel a bit more exhausted at the end of each work day as my brain just seems overstimulated all the time (what train am I supposed to take? where should we eat dinner? how do I explain that in English?). But every day gets easier and every day we are one day closer to moving into our new place! I absolutely cannot wait!

This weekend, husband is whisking me away to this adorable little B&B on a lake. With the madness of the move and all the paperwork, an unruly pup and going back to work,  etc etc, it's really easy to start feeling disconnected. Hoping this weekend away will help us relax and recharge. Hope you all have a relaxing weekend yourselves! Until Monday... Ciao!

A bubble bath in that awesome tub awaits me...