Sunday, January 9, 2011

Weekend Recap + Henry Overload

I had one of the most uneventful weekends ever. At the end of last week I started feeling a cold coming on. Thankfully, things were so busy last week I worked through the symptoms, but come Friday evening it all came crashing down. So, I spent pretty much the entire weekend in bed. No, seriously. I only went outside twice to take the dog out for, like, five minutes max. I'm just hoping I rested enough to be able to take on this week. It's a big one... And a very busy one. Wish me luck!

And so you don't hate me and think I'm the worst blogger ever, here are just a few (ha!) iPhone photos of our beloved Henry. We are completely and utterly obsessed. Sometimes I dream about being a stay at home mama for our furbaby... And then he tries to chew everything in sight and bites my face and pees in the house :) Ah, the joys of puppy parenthood!